3 jun 2010

NEWS - Frank Miller habla de Xerxes (la precuela de 300)

Gente, va la data:
Frank Miller esta laburando en el comic que cuenta la precuela de su groso comic del año 1998, 300. El comic se va a titular XERXES. Fran Miller, director de la version filmica de 300, hablo sobre esto. (alguien dijo pelicula en puerta...veremos)

va parte del texto original:

“The story will be the same heft as 300 but it cover a much, much greater span of time — it’s 10 years, not three days. This is a more complex story. The story is so much larger. The Spartans in 300 were being enclosed by the page as the world got smaller. This story has truly vast subjects. The Athenian naval fleet, for instance, is a massive artistic undertaking and it dwarfed by the Persian fleet, which is also shown in this story. The story has elements of espionage, too, and it’s a sweeping tale with gods and warriors.”

En un momento le preguntan sobre la posibilidad de llevar XERXES al cine, dijo lo siguiente:

“If the book is awesome and compelling then, yes, we’re interested.”

o sea:

"Si el libro es impresionante y convincente, entonces, sí, estamos interesados."


el que quiera leer la entrevista completa le dejo el link:

a esperar ansiosos!

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